Skill Development 

Since we believe that creativity is an essential tool for healthy living, we have kept aside some hours every week for our teachers and volunteers to conduct creative workshops at Lepra.

Art, craft, embroidery, theatre, knitting, cooking, music, yoga, gardening and dance are some of the activities our students have enjoyed learning over the years. Every year, products made by our students with the help of their facilitators are displayed and sold at our Annual Day function.

In fact, this year our Crafts teachers shall be introducing specific crafts for the students to learn per semester, so that they can truly master making a few products well.

We have started a trend for re-decorating used diyas for re-sale every year. This also helps inculcate the practice of recycling within the Trust. Next up is our attempt to make recycled Christmas decorations!

With the guidance of our creative staff and volunteers, out students are slowly gaining confidence outside of the classroom as well.

The art of simple creativity really helps our students venture out into the world with a smile.