Non-formal Education For Hearing Impaired Children
In March 2012 the Trust started a special class exclusively for hearing impaired children, in the age group of 3 and 14 years. These children have been provided free hearing aids for both ears. We presently have six classes of upto 10 children each, who are taught English, Hindi and Mathematics. These children are also taught speech by speech therapists duly registered by the Rehabilitation Council of India

Most of the hearing impaired tiny tots children have to be picked up and dropped home as their parents are unable or unwilling to bring them by themselves. A much needed second van was donated by the generosity of our long time Trustee and architect Mr Goonmeet Chauhan and his friends. This has now enabled us to pick up more children from other destinations. Due to this facility, the children’s strength has increased from 45 to 60 children divided into 6 classes. The Trust conducts regular PTMs (Parent Teacher Meetings) to fulfil its two-fold endeavour:

1) to educate, counsel and motivate parents for increased involvement in their psycho-social adjustments in the home environment.
2) to organize remedial help for school children facing achievement problems due to hearing impairment.

A child’s mental development is already developed at a young age in terms of their capacity to learn. With the help of special educators and regular attention at TLIT it has been possible to impart speech therapy and education to the children. As children grow older, it becomes difficult for the brain to absorb and retain, and very often such children remain below par vis a vis other child of their age. Inspite of this handicap, we impart intensive and corrective training, with monitoring at regular intervals, in order that each child gets the best advantage from the time they are enrolled at TLIT.
Most of these children come from very poor families, and without the assistance of hearing aids and special educators, they would remain consigned to a life without speech or the possibility of hearing sound.
Our children come to us with many inherent difficulties, including a child who would walk on all fours who now can stand and also sits through classes normally. These children are often deeply traumatised and improve appreciably in a kind and nurturing atmosphere.