The Starkey Foundation:
The Starkey Foundation’s contribution in providing free hearing aids, two for every child is an invaluable contribution. Indeed, without this we could not have started our special school. Empowered to hear sound, Speech Therapy and Special Education have had a visible impact on the children. With the use of the hearing aids (one in each ear), an average child enrolled with us is able to hear sounds often for the first time. With the help of our trained speech therapists and speech educators, the child gradually starts to listen and comprehend. The child is then taught to articulate sound, to gradually speak and learn, slowly enabling the child to become a part of classroom learning.
Tata Trusts support:
The Tata Trusts have supported TLIT in three main areas since 2014.
- Leprosy Outreach: Under this project (2014-2018) we conducted mobile health camps at two locations within Delhi, besides facilitating surgeries and outpatient care at the Prem Sadan Leprosy Home run by Saint Teresa’s Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity in East Delhi. With the Tata Trusts’ generous financial support all the way from 2014 upto 2018, we were able to support the salaries of a leprologist, physiotherapist and individual much needed medicines. Tata Trusts support to this project has since ended.
- The H.I. Project: In 2016, Tata Trusts also extended support to our non-formal education program for Hearing Impaired children. This support crucially enabled us to hire additional special educators and speech therapists. As a result, in the last 3 years the numbers of our H.I children grew from 30 to 62, with an average of 8-10 children per class. TLIT was successfully able to mainstream 8 children (15 percent) into regular schools, a great achievement. Tata Trusts supported this program till September 2019 (which has now ended).
- Skill Development: Tata Trusts continue to support an ongoing program in skill development in three major areas: (a) Computer Software training (MS office, Tally) (b) Beauty training and (c) Tailoring and Stitching.
ONGC Supported Project (April, 2018 to September, 2019):
TLIT is grateful to ONGC for providing TLIT with a Laboratory, fully equipped with 14 computers, three Air Conditioners and a Projector System (a much needed educational tool for the hearing impaired). This supports 14 students in a class at a time. A Tally certification course also has been recently introduced.

Inaugrated by our trustee Dr. Sidharth Pradhan
Petronet LNG Foundation (15 December, 2019 and continuing):
We are also grateful to Petronet LNG Foundation for their ongoing support for Hearing Impaired children. They have provided two much-needed sound-proof rooms, where one-on-one speech therapy sessions are conducted without any outside sound or other distraction. They have also provided additional special assistance in the form of a Speech Therapist as well as a Sign Language teacher, for a course designed especially for profoundly deaf children. In addition they have also equipped two additional class rooms and provided for a 65” inch TV for special education.

Soundproof room provided by Petronet